Don’t have too many, people don’t read them anyway

I have needed to upgrade my store signs for awhile to reflect some new procedures for refunds. Previously I would have people just write the information on a slip of paper and put it in the Mail Slot in the store. This worked fine but could cause delays in refunds and became less effective as I reduced my time at the store and started to run more remotely.
I have a refund form on my website that runs through Google Forms. The results are saved on a Google Sheets. This sheet is where I can leave comments when the refunds are paid. My accountants office mails out refunds for people that do not have CashApp so they have access as well. I guess I should mention now that I use CashApp for about 90% of my refunds. It’s the fastest and easiest way I have found to get money to people quickly, sometimes while they are still in the store.
Below I will attach pictures that show the various questions we ask.
There are only a couple of signs actually posted in the store. One is the Refund and WIFI Information and the other is a generic Safety Sign.
The refund sign is printed 11×17 and displayed on this wall display
The only other sign in the store is this one. Possibly the best Laundromat Sign ever made but I have had trouble locating where I got them.

Screen Capture
If you know a good screen capture for Windows let me know. These shots kinda suck.