As part of the conversion of the Large Capacity washers and dryers at Washin Anniston to Quarters, Dollar Coins, and Tokens I needed to have an efficient way to to separate them to be put them back in the changer.

I talked to American Changer and they explained how their counters are built for years of use. American Changer is the Parent Company of Hoffman Mint, the token manufacturer and they use the same coin counter in their factory to count the orders before shipment. So they probably put more through in a month than most Laundromats will in years.

I ordered one and had a look at how they sort and count and, as t would be stationary in the store, decided the best way to install it for ease of use.
Have a look at the video where I explain how I mounted the coin counter and some things to look at when you install yours.

The Links I mentioned are:
American Changer:
American Changer CC-302
Hoffman Mint
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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