If you have one one of the changers or vending machines, like the Standard ChangeMakers MC100 go ahead and order now and get some sleep at night.
It has a slightly dimpled finish from the polyurethane settling around the uneven flakes so it helps make it slip resistant.
The first was at the new store so the main promotion was about this new location and some talk about the other 2 locations in the listening area.
And then put some bright color paint on them so they are easier to see both for the customers and you on the security cameras in case they walk away.
The dryers are leveled on each of the coners with a bolt, type level. Depending on the slope of the floor you could have up to an inch of gap below the dryer.
Installation is very easy and requires no special tools, soldering, or wire cutting. All of the connectors are included and installing the Imonex coin drop is just plug and play. Changes to the dryer programing may be required.
How can a PodCast talk about colors? Let's give it a shot and find out...
Successful people never again…
Yesterday I attended the first of four classes to prepare my business for a disaster.
In the Drop Off Laundry business that many coin Laundry Owners have or are considering starting this is an obstacle that needs to be addressed early on.