Facebook Weekly Total Reach Up 627,300%
Is it really possible?
Yes, and here’s the stats to prove it…..

How is it possible to get this kind of impact to your Facebook Page?
Help people solve problems.
It’s the same in the business world.
For Example, let’s say you were a small business or an individual that wants to build your online exposure to increase sales of your products.
The products could be a service you offer, a product in your store or even an MLM product.
What is the best way to get the exposure you need?
Take a few minutes each day to solve a problem for someone and share it through Social Media.
Your content may be shared so others can have their problems solved and Google will direct people to your post when they are looking for an answer to their problem.
As you build up your tips others will look around and see you as an authority and will trust your opinion.
So you’re probably saying ‘Give me an example”.
OK. Let’s say that I own a Laundromat, no that’s an easy one…
I’m a plumber.
I have a cell phone with a camera and I get a call to unplug a sink drain. I take a few minutes to record the steps with a video and load it to my blog with the title. “How to unplug a sink drain in Littleville, US”.
Others in town with the same problem do a search and find out how to unplug the drain themselves.
Now you are probably thinking that you lost a customer because they did the work themselves.
That’s not the thinking that grows a business.
Next time this potential customer has a plumbing issue they will look to your site for the information. If it seems too complicated or outside their comfort zone they will call you.
Because they already know you!
You can get started today on the same system I use for $25 a month. Right Here
Now how did a get a Facebook Weekly Total Reach increase of 627,300%.
Helping People…..