Fortune Cookie Wisdom and Kung Fu

Are you happy with your current situation and would not change a thing in your future?

Fortune Cookie Wisdom

          You spoke of chance, Grasshopper. As if such a thing were certain to exist. In the matter you speak of, destiny, there is no such thing as chance. For whichever way you choose, right or left, it must lead to an end. And that end is our destiny”

          This is a quote from an old TV show named Kung Fu. It was an action adventure, a western drama from 1972 until 1975. It follows the adventures of Kwai Caine who travels the American Old West armed only with his spiritual training and his skill in martial arts, as he seeks out his half-brother Danny Caine.

          Kwai was an orphan that grew up in a Monastery in China and became a Shaolin priest and martial arts expert. Many times during the series there are flashbacks to his training at the monastery that are used to recall specific lessons from his childhood.

          Read this quote to yourself a couple of times and really think about the meaning. “There is no such thing as chance”. Throughout life, you have made many decisions which have brought you to this point.

Are you happy with your current situation and would not change a thing in your future? 

          I prefer to continue to build both my own knowledge and wealth and have control over my own future as well as being able to provide the experiences to my children that will help them develop and find their own way.

          My plan is not to hand everything to them as that would not allow them to understand and value the results of their efforts but I don’t want them to be trapped by the lack of knowledge. Should they find a source of income to buy their own car? Yes. This could be from a job, babysitting, tutoring, owning candy machines or any other of a number of ways.

          Should my kids have to pay for travel overseas, or to an aquarium, or to another part of the country? At this point in their lives, No. That is something that I choose to provide as part of their “training” for life. These experiences allow us to teach them how to travel and appreciate where they go and what they see.

What decisions are you making for your future?

          Will you continue to learn and find other forms of income to allow you to travel and experience the world with your family? Are you going to put in your time at a job and hope it all works out in the end? Or maybe there is a chance that things just come your way…..

“For whichever way you choose, right or left, it must lead to an end. And that end is our destiny”.


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If you have any comments please post them below.

Ken Barrett

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