IMONEX Coin Drop Installation in an ADC Dryer
Imonex Coin Drops are a great way to make the switch from a quarter only store to a combination store. One of the benefits of using the Imonex drops is it allows you to purchase tokens that can be used for refunds and promotions in an un-attended store.
The video below shows some of the steps involved in the installation in an ADC dryer. This is a 333 model. The 444 is very similar.
Installation is very easy and requires no special tools, soldering, or wire cutting. All of the connectors are included and installing the Imonex coin drop is just plug and play. Changes to the dryer programing may be required.
There is an issue I found in this installation is that cut out in the top of the coin box cover needs to be larger due to the 2 drop locations at the back of the Imonex drops.
The job was completed using a Dremel tool with a thin metal cutting wheel.

Now here’s the disclaimers. Use caution, wear safety glasses, follow all of the tool recommendations. This post is a suggestion not a set of instructions. If you don’t feel comfortable hire a trained professional.