Step One To Proving You Are An Expert

In this video I talk about being an expert. Who is an expert? You. And you’re thinking, “No I’m not, there are people that know way more than me about _____”.


             In this video, I talk about being an expert. Who is an expert? You. And you’re thinking, “No I’m not, there are people that know way more than me about _____”.

          You are an accumulation of all of the experience that YOU have received, all the training and conversations and moments in time that made you who you are today.

          My background involves growing up on a farm, working in manufacturing, being a firefighter owning laundries etc. Much of my experience involves tools, working with my hands, power tools and equipment and building things. What I soon found out is this is not the norm for a lot of people.

          My cousins have a farm where they sell produce and baked goods directly to the public. They built a chicken coop on a trailer that they pull up near the store so people can show their kids chickens. This seemed weird to me as when I was a kid we moved our bikes out of what the previous owner used as a chicken coop, put up a fence and got some chickens. When I say we I mean my Dad did the work and I watched. Slowly I started to understand that not everybody learned to drive a tractor when they were kids or in some cases, knew how to use a shovel.

          Back to the expert, am I an expert at using a coping saw? No, but about 7 years I was renovating a house and could not figure out how to cut the corners on the trim I had bought. I went online and found a video of how to use a coping saw to cut the corners. I headed to my tool box and grabbed the coping saw I had gotten from my grandfather, that I had never used, and made the cuts. If I had to do it again I would do another search to find out how.

          Was the guy who showed me how to do that an expert? Actually yes, it was Bob Vila and the video was from “This Old House” but at that time it took a lot of time and effort to post a video. If I do a search now I may find somebody I know posted the information.

Do you have a hobby or own a business that you are an expert in? I bet the answer is Yes. 

Now, where do you start?

          The first step is to get a blog. This is the Home Base for your information and the place where people can find you. Click here to sign up. Free blogs are Ok but sometimes you get what you pay for, somebody else’s ads and restrictions. Get you own and you can make some money from your own ads. But we’ll get to that on a later post.

          The next step is to post some valuable content regularly. Daily is best. This may be a few words, a video or a detailed How To.

So Sign Up and start posting your information.

If you have any comments please post them below.

Ken Barrett

P.S You can find this and my other comments at

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