The Art of Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos & Logos

I was driving to a Big Box store today for supplies for my Laundromat and somehow I made a comment that involved the phrase “Supersized”. My fourteen year old daughter mentioned that she had watched that movie as part of a class assignment on Ethos, Pathos and Logos.

The Art of Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos & Logos

Some interesting things I learned today.

          I was driving to a Big Box store today for supplies for my Laundromat and somehow I made a comment that involved the phrase “Supersized”.  My fourteen-year-old daughter mentioned that she had watched that movie as part of a class assignment on Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

      Ethos (Ethics)

      Pathos (Emotion)

      Logos (Logic)

Ethos Pathos Logos

I will admit that I had no idea what she was talking about.

          It’s not often that the kids can stump me on the subject matter, maybe on some details of how to do math problems or American History (I’m not one of y’all yet) but spitting out terms I had never heard and being able to explain them. The horror!

          So after a quick explanation of what they meant I handed over my iPhone and asked her to review one of my recent videos.

         She listened to a bit and hit pause and she said “That part was Logos because you are an expert and you are providing proof of what you have done”

         A little bit more of the video and another pause, ” This part is Ethos because you are making me feel that you have confidence that I can do this too”

The clouds opened and birds began to sing……OK maybe not.

          Many people struggle with making videos, myself included and even people that have done lots of them will tell you there are times they stumble a little, but if you speak the truth and from the heart it will come through in your message.

          The video she was reviewing was about me realizing I had reached one of my goals and how I had set a plan in place and was making it happen.

          And I DO believe that you can do it too.

Let’s Get Started Today


Never stop learning!

If you have any comments please post them below.

Play Safe



Where I am getting all this?….. It All Begins Here.