With Dad and My Bold Dad- Great Messages
I was sending an email while the TV was on and not paying attention to the commercials until my teenage daughter said: “Hey, that’s like you”. I asked her what she was talking about and she said that last commercial.
I hit the rewind, what an awesome feature on live TV by the way, and we watched it again.
My Bold Dad | Presented by The Bold New Camry | Toyota
You don’t have to be a Father to be a Dad.
It’s not always easy being a dad and there are times when you have no idea what you are doing but I have found a few things that seem to work:
– Be fair but firm:
They are growing and changing and like small birds want to fly but they still need protection from the predators. Take each step as it comes and when you make a decision stick to it. They will probably hate you in the moment but it’s part of the process.
– Set high standards for themselves and others
This is a fine line as they need to be able to reach the expectations you set. Not everybody is an A student in every subject but that does not mean that they get a free pass. School teaches kids how to learn. It also teaches them that they are responsible for their own efforts. Fail a class and you don’t play on the team. You can’t have one without the other.
Other standards are how you expect them to treat others and be treated by others. One of my other daughters once made the comment “Damn you for setting the standards so high”. It was said jokingly as she talked about a boy she knew but I set the example in our family about how to treat a lady and my daughters deserve no less.
–Set reasonable punishments and stick to them
The Christmas our kids first got iPads they were told if they are a distraction and their grades drop they will lose them. The next report card showed an average drop of one grade for all of them. So they lost the iPads. “When do we get them back?” When you report card shows good grades. Nine weeks is a long time to lose a new toy but It never happened again. Now our kids monitor their own grades and take makeup exams on their own.
-Know when to be emotional
By nature, I am a facts kind of guy but there are times when you need to put the facts aside and let the emotions loose. But there is the other side that many fall into that they throw facts to the wind and rule by emotion.
Love without question
Never let them doubt that you love them and that you will always be there.
We are all raising adults, not children.
Use your skills, ability, and knowledge to raise adults that are better than you.
That is the best gift you can give.
Nissan 2015 Super Bowl Commercial | “With Dad”
This video has a different take on the Dad theme.
There are many Dad’s that are in situations where they can’t be there for their kids.
As much as it seems like they are having a good time in pictures and when telling stories it’s hard to miss the little things
Dad by choice

thank you for sharing this helpful advice about child rearing, a good read
Excellent post Ken! This is great advice for both Moms and Dads. We have 4 boys and 4 beautiful grandchildren so we know what you mean. Such blessings! It is a tough, sometimes thankless job raising children, but the lessons you share here will most certainly help others raise respectable, responsible young men and women. Thank you for sharing. Great commercials too. 🙂