Dave Ramsey EntreLeadership One Day

Each year I try and attend two or three events to improve my business. Many of these are put on by the local university, Jacksonville State, or the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce.

          I spent the day in Birmingham at the Dave Ramsey EntreLeadership One Day event. Each year I try and attend two or three events to improve my business. Many of these are put on by the local university, Jacksonville State, or the Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce. These are normally reasonable cost, small room size, quality events.

          Today was the big event of the year. Spending a day with Dave Ramsey and his team and getting some solid insight into the core values and foundation of his business. And he did not disappoint.

           I have been listening to him on the radio for a while and have read, (or listened to the audio,) many of the books put out by his company. EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey and Start by Jon Acuff as well as other shorter audiobooks.

          I run a small business (not small by definition standards, less than 500 people, but small by normal people standards, 3 people) and it’s difficult to implement many ideas taught at some of the courses whether it be advertising, social media etc. There are only so many hours in the day.

          EntreLeadership One Day provides the basic core values and principles that can be applied to any “small” business. Although I can’t spend 6 months hiring a person I can use the basic principles he provided.

          Identifying different personality types and how to relate and discuss items and issues with them will help develop the core company and personal values and provide a better customer experience.

          I recommend that any current or future business owner read the books or, if possible, attend a live event and build the best business you can without sacrificing your values.

Time to move Washin Golden Springs and Washin Anniston forward.


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Play safe
