Information Overload Happens In Every Business.

Where do I need to be for people to buy my product? What information should I provide? How do I get the information to my current and future customers?

          Information Overload happens in every business. Sometimes you feel like our dog, Netty. As much as she wants to stop the water from going into the pool it just keeps coming. Eventually, she realizes that you need to get some of it, stop and digest and then go back for more.

          It’s the same in business, whether it’s home-based, traditional, sales, online or any other type. You need to look at your options and ask some questions:

Where do I need to be for people to buy my product?

What information should I provide?

How do I get the information to my current and future customers?

How do I learn about the areas I need to improve on without being overwhelmed by the information available?

          Once you have a plan and decide on the training route you just need to take some of the information, digest it, implement it and then move to the next level and continue to build.

          Look for a program that will allow you to start small and grow as you need to. The program also needs to provide value and be very clear about the information at each step.

          You probably won’t find a magic button or plug and play system that will grow your business immensely. You learn and grow and keep moving forward.

          I hope you found some good information and if you would like some more detail about the program that I am using to grow both my stores and my online business click on the Prosperity Team link below.

 If you have any comments please post them below.


Ken Barrett

P.S You can find this and my other comments at

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