Toilet Paper Roll Holder Locks
Having your toilet paper disappear is frustrating for you and your customers, plus there is the cost involved. As I run 24 hour stores and only one is partially attended I have had my share of TP theft.
The dispensers I was using had a simple key with two prongs on it. This was easy to overcome with a screwdriver or possible a key or knife blade.
After a few issues as you can see on Facebook HERE . I was ready to try something different. After this issue HERE, when the door was damaged I used the opportunity to renovate the restroom and add some tile. At this point I found a toilet paper dispenser that had a more complex key.

You can purchase it on Amazon, they hold 2 of the large rolls and have a good lock for most places.

One of my unattended laundry’s has more of an issue with homeless people than the others, I believe that is why I have problems losing rolls of paper here.
About a week ago I went in and found both rolls gone, the cardboard sleeve and all. When I looked at the lock I saw where it had been gouged out at each end allowing both tabs to be depressed and the cover opened.
I didn’t have much time to do a pretty fix so I just grabbed a shackle and lock from a local hardware store and installed it.
The part is called a Double Hinged Hasp which allows it to move out of the way so you can open the cover and it also covers the mounting screws on the wall.

This shows how the hinges work.
Once it was all done it’s not as pretty as I like, I try to avoid this look as it portrays a security issue at your store but as I mentioned I only had a bit of time at with two $6 rolls of paper missing each night it needed to be stopped.
If you are having problems with the less secure key types I do recommend this one. It’s working great in another one of my stores and I have one to be installed after the remodel of one of my other stores.