Not your typical MLM

Part of my income is from online marketing. I started doing it to promote my laundromats and then began to understand the potential of the training I have been using.

          Part of my income is from online marketing. I started doing it to promote my laundromats and then began to understand the potential of the training I have been using. 

          These products provide the information you need to promote any product or service online. Many Doctors, Accountants, Churches, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, Laundromat owners and others are already using it. The information is current and being used daily by the trainers.  

          Previously I looked at Network Marketing / Direct Sales products but I did not have the time or energy to have home parties or spend my day on the phone for a few dollars and it wouldn’t benefit my current business.

          So I actually backed into MLM unknowingly by finding a product to promote my business.

          I am looking for a small team to work with to build our businesses and online income.

          Here’s a question…. Is your spouse, brother, sister, mom currently in Network Marketing? (Vitamins, weight loss products, cookware, jewelry….)
They already understand that part of the business so they could take that part and make more money than they ever thought they could (100% commissions) and use the products to increase your business.

          How can they do both? They will have a lot of free time once they realize they can do it on their own time and not at home parties (unless they want to). And they can sell the product to their upline. (if you don’t understand all that they will).
Within a month or so they will be hearing about this program from their current sponsor so why not get in ahead of them?

Send me a message, email me at or

Listen to Amy explain it.

If you have any comments please post them below.

